"Amei e odiei como toda gente, Mas para toda a gente isso foi normal e instintivo. E para mim foi sempre a exceção, o choque, a válvula, o espasmo" (F. Pessoa)

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22 de janeiro de 2011 | Dhay

Sometimes I see almost nobody sees ¨

(Renato Russo)

Looking in one direction alone, that's called loneliness.
No voice that can reach a short distance.
When a beautiful scene is only seen as part of a spectacle.
And the artists are just a good product, if they are marketable.
Human nature reverses the emotion. Forgetting that before the products are human beings.
With unique emotions. Each one in his.
They want results and ready knowledge of each process.
But before you expose yourself, understand that others will have interest.
Any emotion will be lost when your eyes can not achieve what my eyes see.
The skyline is so much bigger than a mere spectacle
See beyond is a gift.
But has the curse of view alone, most of the time ...

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